Coming to terms with simplicity

There is a simplicity in existence, that we know and yet cannot quite see. I am not talking about practicing simplicity. That might be fine too. I am referring to something a little different.

Consider moments of authenticity. Moments with a loved one, a parent, a dog, a cat, … Or a complete stranger, a homeless person, a person that completely over turned all preconceived notions you had about them. There is an unconditional, spontaneous, simple, authentic love (or heart openness). There is a recognition of what existence really is. A spontaneous understanding of all it means to exist. Understanding of suffering, not necessarily in a negative way. But in terms of recognition, compassion and shared meaning.

Ego/the false sense of I, derived from social conditioning, will at first dismiss these experiences. It might consider it as weak, not practical. Even though from within there is a knowing and deep recognition of these experiences. Ego is built on this running away from authenticity, simplicity. As an illusion, ego has nowhere to go. It can only spin circles. There may not be a straight forward/direct way out of this complexity into simplicity. But there is a way.  The whole experience of life. That is what every moment of awakening is about. It isn’t simply about meditating or practicing simplicity. Although those can be very useful steps.

Life/flow itself is naturally guiding in the direction of simplicity. Not just at an intellectual level. But also at an emotional, energetic and physical level. Ego takes up a lot of energy to sustain it. It has to be released. It comes out by making sounds, by expressing emotions, and by real life experiences.

Simplicity is freedom. It is coming to terms with our bare nakedness/existence.

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